About The Author

My credentials:
CPT, Certified Personal Trainer
CSN, Certified Sports Nutritionist
CFNS, Certified Fitness & Nutrition Specialist
Licensed Aesthetician
AA degree w/emphasis on Nutrition
RHN, Registered Holistic Nutritionist


book cover

This is me in my soccer uniform that I wore on my team when I was twelve years old and now I’m forty and can still wear it! You can maintain your physique, just like me, for as long as you desire. All the information you need is right here in my book.

My own desire of fitness started when I was just ten years old after finding exercise photos and instructions in an encyclopedia. I’ve turned my passion for fitness into my career as a holistic trainer to help women achieve their goals. One day while exercising, I had an epiphany and decided I needed to share this information with other women. I also wrote short stories as a child, so once again I was able to fulfill a childhood dream by becoming an author. It gives me immense pleasure to provide women with a resource to both look and feel their best!